Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Another Week -> Another Email

Well, it's Wednesday. Day late on the email. Whoops. Just be grateful I'm sending emails at all. ;) Haha. Only one left after this one!!! :(

Yesterday, I actually had a really busy day. I watched nephews, helped Ash and Hayden move, and went down to St George to the temple, and to see a friend come home! He flew in at 11 pm, and there were about 8 of us friends there (plus his family, of course).

So this week...
-Wednesday, I only spent an hour in the cafeteria, then went to help Mom at her appointments and bring her home. I was only in the temple for an hour, but it was amazing. In that hour, we had prayer meeting, and I talked to Joyce- my temple grandma, but I felt so rejuvenated from just that hour, and I didn't even do any ordinance work. How cool, right? Amazing what an hour in the temple can do.
-Thursday, I got to be the baptizer for all four hours. Talk about a workout. :D
-Friday was actually a super crazy awesome day. So many things happened that showed me that the Lord is involved in my life, mostly little things. *********One of the most important things my mission has done for me is teaching me to recognize the Lord's hand in my life. A couple from my ward was in the endowment session I was in, I got to sit around and enjoy a lot of waiting time in the time between the endowment session and going to the baptistry (which is actually really good in the temple, I promise), met the Temple President's twin brother (who is in "The District", apparently), ran into Dr Donaldson, and met a guy who recognized me from working at Dairy Queen at least three years ago and from Mom's knee rehab place.
-Saturday... the temple was closed. Don't expect to ever hear this again, but I was kind of excited. My weeks have been kicking my butt and it was nice to sleep in a few hours. The 4th of July was great. Ether 2:12.
-Sunday- I taught Justin's Sunday School class in the home ward. I was a little nervous, but I really enjoyed it. These youth, man. They are incredible. It was definitely the most interactive lesson (more like discussion) that I've ever taught. TRY to have a really sincere Fast, it will change you!!!!
-Monday- Relaxed, somewhat. Ran 4 miles. Hot dang.

I've really learned, especially this last week, the importance of reading the Book of Mormon EVERY DAY! I've heard leaders talk about that, but it really is true. I find myself more vulnerable to temptation, and I usually have the biggest temptations when I've missed a few days on reading out of the Book of Mormon (even if I've read a conference talk or something). So learn from my experiences and READ EVERY DAY! It's important. It will change your life.

That's all for this email. I can't believe that I'm in the middle of my second-to-last week. I totally get how some missionaries say that they never want to come home. ;) I would serve forever if I could. If you made it reading this far, I'm giving you a high-five.

Have a GREAT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder G

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

ATTEND the temple

Image result for cancerWell hey there family, friends.

I forgot to email last week, but for a good reason! I made a trip up and back in the same day to the Huntsman up in Salt Lake City. I drove up by myself, but Chris and Allie and Renae came down from Brigham City and went to the appointment and dinner after with me! The news is that the scan is clear! I'm excited about it, and I love the word Remission! There have been so many times in the past that I feel like I've said, "Hey, clean scan!" and then the results don't stay that way... but I'm hoping and praying that I'm done with this cancer.

There is a young woman in my home ward who passed away last week after fighting for a year with brain cancer. She is strong, she exemplified what a true hero is, and she's a light to all of us. We attended her funeral yesterday, and it kind of hit close to home for me, because I've dealt with cancer, too. Truthfully, the difference between her and I is that Heavenly Father has things he needs me to accomplish here on the earth, and things she needs to accomplish on the other side. My heart breaks because, yeah she is so young (16), but I'm so so so grateful for the Plan of Salvation and this life isn't it. Her services yesterday were amazing. Her family and friends testified of her life and of the gospel and their joy that they can and will see her again. Family is priority. Don't get distracted and put other things before your family! (Mike, we love your family!!!)

Well, in mission news, I met with Pres Lunt on Sunday. I've got THREE WEEKS LEFT. Isn't that crazy? I'll be done with my mission on the 18th, and give my Mission Report in church on the 19th. So mark your calendars. :) I can't believe it's already been a year. I would serve in the temple forever if I could, and I'm not trying to be "trunky", but I am excited to move on to bigger and better things- aka marriage. Don't know when, but that's the next step!

I have learned so much from life as I've attended the temple so frequently. *********And something I'd like to point out- I feel like I have received SO much inspiration and guidance and insight on the temple and life in the last year, and it's not because of my mission, per se. I don't get to do anything extra than anyone else can do. You are more than welcome to work in the baptistry or cafeteria. The things I learned and noticed happened from just ATTENDING the temple. From going and learning and trying to be like my Savior, I've been spiritually fed. Actually, more like stuffed. Does that make sense? You can learn so much from the temple from just attending. You don't need to be a temple worker to learn a ton. (Although if you have the chance to work in the temple, you should do it.)

Mom is doing good. She comes home tomorrow. She's feeling pain as expected, but nothing worse. She is a trooper! Knees are not fun, and once we get past this first little bit, she is going to be a happy camper-- or the happiest camper.

I love life and I'm so grateful for my mission and the opportunity that it's given me. When the time came to start thinking about this mission, I thought that I wasn't sure if I should- I couldn't go out on a full-time mission so should I just move on with life, and continue with school and stuff? BUT I AM SO GLAD I CHOSE TO SERVE. This mission has been such a great insight and time for me in my life. Don't pass up any opportunity you have to serve- even if it's just spending a few hours with the missionaries or going with a group to do baptisms for the dead.

Have a great week. I seriously love you all!
Elder G

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Mission Paperwork


This week (or past two weeks, since I didn't email last week) has been a good one. I know I say this in every email, but it's so good to be back at the temple!!! I did some calculating, it's been 47 weeks since I started my service at the temple, I have served for 15 of those weeks.... plus three Fridays in January. Crazy, huh? Heavenly Father has His reasons. If I get released as a service missionary when I'm thinking, I have five weeks left. CRAZY, right?? I'll probably know my official date when I meet with Pres Lunt on the 28th of this month.

I jumped up to four days a week last week. I go down there Wed-Sat. It's honestly exhausting, but worth it (and no, I'm NOT pushing myself too much, thanks for asking), and I'm just trying to get enough sleep to stay caught up. The newest update is that on Saturdays, I don't do Sealings from 9-11am and Cafeteria from 12-4pm. I was switched around, and now work in the Cafeteria from 7am-12pm and do sealings after. Yeah. Last Saturday I got up at 5:15 and left Cedar at 6am! :D Crazy, but great.

Okay, so I have a funny story. Hope you laugh, cause I did! Pres Lunt came up to me on Sunday and said, "Sorry to push your appt back from today. I talked with the area coordinators and they can't find your paperwork to get your mission release certificate." And he asked me if I had filled out a Church-Service Mission Recommendation, and I said that if I had, Pres Crankshaw did it. So I asked if I need to fill one out, and Pres Lunt said yeah, so the other day I started filling out my paperwork for the mission I'm almost done with- the paperwork that I submit my mission picture with! Haha. 11 months later....

I started running again! I told you that last email, too. I'm up to three miles a day. The first week I went one, last week two, and now this week three. It's been so great to get back in to running again, I've really really missed it. It's extremely difficult, it's like my body has been through the ringer or something. Weird. I had a though today while I was running... I LOVE running, but sometimes I have second thoughts as I'm about to start, I think "Oh, I'll just do it tomorrow." And really, the hardest part of running is somethings just starting. Once I get going, and especially if I have a good attitude about it, I am able to think about my life, spend some time immersed in something, and in the end, feel really happy that I took the time to run and made the effort, because physically, I'm better off. I compared all these feelings to being proactive in the gospel, mainly scripture study. I love studying the scriptures, but lately it's been a little harder to sit down and actually do it. It was a really cool lesson that I needed to learn today!

The house has been a little more "alive" than usual lately. My sister Brooke and brother-in-law Tim and their boys moved in with us a few weeks ago. Their house sold, and they are building their new house, so they're in between right now. It's fun to have them here. And also, my brother Chris and sister-in-law Allie came to visit for a few days and stayed here. So we went from 4 here, to 8, to 11. Haha, but those of you that know me well, know that I love it! I love being with people. I'm more tired, but it's so great! I'm even spending more time outside, too, which I think we all need.

My mom got her knees replaced today! It's a surgery she hasn't been too excited for, but it's time. She did well and is currently in a recovery room. She's awesome, and an amazing example to me. I'm kind of excited to pay it back to her in all the times she's helped me in my surgery recoveries. It's a great time for it, too, because with Brooke and Tim here, there are more people that live here to help her. Talk about good timing, right?

Sorry this email is so long, I'll make sure and not skip any more weeks so that it won't be as long next time. Every single one of you are an amazing example to me. I mean it!!! Have a good one.

Elder G

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Cool Miracle & Journaling

Hello all!

Cool miracle this week. I went to the temple last Tuesday (a week ago) with some friends. My missing-fibula ankle as really bugging me, which doesn't happen too often. I wore an ankle brace for the first part of that day. Partway through the temple session, it went away. Coincidence? I think not. In fact, I work with a Sister Abelhousen in the Baptistry. She said she has Rheumatoid Arthritis, but it goes away every time she walks into the temple. BLESSINGS, PEOPLE!!!

I'm still learning lots and loving my mission. I'm going to have a hard time leaving all my temple family when I'm done. If my calculations are correct, I only have seven weeks left. :0
Saturday was a challenging day for me. It's kind of an interesting concept that not every day at the temple will be perfect. But that is on my end, not the Lord's. I've come to learn, though, that I need to prepare for the temple more, especially by getting enough sleep the night before.

Image result for journalMy mission is really teaching me the importance of journal writing. The weeks where I wrote in it everyday has made this email much easier. But lately I've been sucking at catching up in my journal. It's hard! I've found it kind of challenging lately, and feel like it's my current battle, to set aside time to write in my journal, or to read my scriptures (I'm reading, but I am studying the Book of Mormon right now in a way that takes just a little more effort and use of highlighting. Ask me about it sometime!). Seems like an interesting battle considering how much free time I feel like I have. But I'm trying. I have to ask myself, How willing am I to truly put the Lord first?

If you've read this far, here's one more thing. You'll be happy to hear that I started RUNNING again. I went on a 2-mile run (but that's nothing!) Once in January, but other than that, it's been at least since October! Whew! I ran 1.5 miles on Monday and 1 mile yesterday, so obviously we're taking things really slow. When I went on Monday, I started and thought, "Man, this feels great!" But that feeling literally lasted for only one-tenth of a mile. Bahaha!

Have a GREAT rest of the week. Listen for me on the radio cause in pretty sure I'm going to find the Summit Rock in St George!! ;)

Elder G

Friday, May 29, 2015

It's My Mission

It's not Tuesday.. but better late then never!
It has been so so so so good to be back at the temple. It was SO cool to see all the people on my shifts in the Cafeteria and Baptistry again. I don't think they knew I was coming. I walked in the door to where have our prayer meeting before each Baptistry shift (did I tell you we have a prayer meeting before each shift? Prayer, thought, song, etc) and I saw Sister Bithell first (she is the one whose husband passed away back in October), she just looked surprised and came and gave me a big hug. I enjoyed seeing my temple family again!
When I worked in the cafeteria on Saturday, Ash and Hayden came to say hi, and they got to meet Joyce, who works in the cafeteria. She is like my temple grandma, ha ha. The people who work at the temple are all so nice and sweet and just a joy to be around. I LOVE my calling.
I am noticing that my body is taking a little longer to feel as good as I usually do. Right now I'm doing Thursday-Saturday, and that is hard. I come home tired. But it's worth it. I had a thought today- that I am experiencing what I would experience on a full-time mission through my mission as well... rejection from this chemo crap, going to bed exhausted, teaching the gospel (in my calling as a gospel doctrine teacher), and meeting tons of new people every day. I think that I always felt a little sad because I couldn't go on a full-time mission, but it's interesting that I can still have these mission experiences, and that I can tell you that my time as a missionary is one of the best, if not the BEST, years of my life. It's not all easy, but I'm glad I get the chance to serve the Lord!
Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven. Sacrifice some of your time to go to the temple soon! :D
Elder Gray

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The day has (FINALLY) come

I'm going back to the temple. ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you can't tell, I'm really excited about it. For the next probably two weeks, I'll be going on Thurs, Fri, Sat, following my regular schedule. (You'll have to look at my schedule to see all I get to do! It's attached.) After those two weeks, I'll see how I feel, and most likely add in Mon and Wed, back to my normal temple schedule again. Wow, can't believe the day is finally here!

With the exception of the three or so weeks in January where I went on Fridays, I haven't been working my schedule for six months and ten days. That's over half my mission time! Kinda crazy. I realized that with the month-long temple closure in September plus this six month hiatus, I've only been serving per my schedule for 2 and 1/2 months out of the ten months so far. It's kinda crazy to think about. But I'm not sad about it. I wish I could have served more, but I know that Heavenly Father is guiding my life! I've been to two weddings, a family reunion, a trip to Idaho to visit family, the events of my niece's birth, and much more that I probably wouldn't have been able to attend while in depth in my schedule. I have been able to help others (two people in particular) in situations that wouldn't have been possible had I been working my schedule. There's a good side- there's always more good than bad- when Heavenly Father is in charge. And it's a good thing he is, too.

Someone told me the other day, "Man, Erik, you get so excited about everything!" Which I do. That's okay, my life is great, despite everything behind me that's gone on, and I know it's because of the gospel, Atonement, family, and friends!

Okay, so I went to the Payson Temple open house last week. It was AMAZING. That temple is SO beautiful. You guys have to see it, either in an open house or go to a session there. Seriously. We also had the chance to go and do a session at the Oquirrh Mountain temple. I haven't been in that temple since the open house, and I had forgotten how grand and majestic it is. Only the best for a House of the Lord!

Anyway, have a great week. Come say hi at the temple! ;) Love you all!
Elder G

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Wedding, Temple Visit, and Writing Essays

Yeah it's 10:23 pm. But it's still Tuesday. So I'm winning.

This week has been amazing, to say the least. Last weekend, I had a cousin get married up in Salt Lake. The day after the wedding, we had a family reunion for that side of the family. So I saw a lot of the Gray family over those three days, and it was SO awesome! Family has always been big for me, and extended family has always been huge as well. I'm really glad my parents come from good families and I'm glad we can see extended family so much.

While up north, I stayed with Chris & Allie, my brother and sister-in-law who moved up there a few weeks ago. It was really awesome. I'm glad that come August when I move to Logan, they'll be half an hour away! Everything is working out for Logan and I'm just pumped about it. I also got to see Shane and Kelsie while I was up there. And I went to the Draper Temple last week. So that means I've been inside 8 Utah temples- which is not the only reason you should go to the temple, but it does add a little variety!

HERE'S A CALL-TO-ACTION: If you haven't got the chance to go to the open house yet, DO IT! This week and next week are it. I obviously haven't been yet, but I hear that it's beautiful and magnificent and I will actually be there this Thursday. Yip yip!

I am getting ready to go back to the temple. REAL SOON. And I'm so excited. Not sure when yet, but by this time tomorrow I'll know. I haven't called Pres Arnold yet. But I've got two months left in my mission, which is the bummer because I could serve in the temple forever and I love it!! Haha.

Even though it's been hard to sit these last 6 months out, it's okay. Because I've had lots of good experiences and I've been able to see the Lord's hand in my life. I applied for a scholarship offered to cancer survivors, this last week. In one of the essays, I had to write about how cancer has impacted my college path. I wrote a thing or two that it negatively affected it, but while writing the essay, I realize there has been much more good than bad with college and this cancer. It helped me to choose my career field, gave me time to re-evaluate what I want to major in, helped me get scholarship money, and it's helped me with characteristics that will make me a better student- hard work and perseverance.

Heavenly Father knows what he's doing. I've said it time and time again, challenges help us grow. It'll be worth it in the end!!

Have a good week.
Elder G

PS. It's now 10:56. See how long it took me to write this email? Ha, your welcome. :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Almost Back to Normal

Hey there!

So it's been a good week. REALLY busy though it feels like. I have this habit of going to bed after midnight, and my body likes to wake me up at about 8, so if I want good sleep I have to learn to get to bed earlier. But really- story of my life.

Last week, I went to the temple THREE days in a row. IT WAS AWESOME! Haha (but it would be much easier if the Cedar temple was done right now) I went and did Baptisms with a few friends on Wednesday, a session both Thursday and Friday, and some sealings as well. My single friends out there... don't think that you can't do sealings if you're not married. Sealings are seriously the coolest and everyone should do them. I'm totally serious.

So medically- I'm doing good! I still like to think that I can be more active than my body will let me. Last week was probably an 80% of how I normally would be, but it was exhausting. The good news is that at my doctors appointment yesterday, my blood levels are normal! Not post-chemo normal... normal person normal! Except I'm a little anemic. I'm excited for what life is turning out to be. Two months left as a missionary.... WHAT!?!??!

As of right now, I'm just doing Netflix, indexing, scholarship hunting, and preparing for school next semester. Ha life is a party over here.

AND I'LL BE GOING BACK TO THE TEMPLE REAL SOON. 2 or so weeks soon. Stay tuned. 

Hope you all are doing well. :D Have a good one.
Elder G

Tuesday, April 21, 2015



Well. What a week it's been. I'm so happy I'm DONE with chemo. They gave me a shot on Tuesday, the day after my treatment, to help boost my White Blood Cells. They said that I'd feel achy the whole week (because WBCs come from your bone marrow, and my joints would all kinda hurt). They were right. It was pretty much the worst week thus far. Nausea was may a 3 out of 10, but achiness and fatigue did me in, I was on the couch for probably all of Wed, Thurs and Fri! But life is good and that's all over now. I assume that despite sucky week one, I'd bounce back to my 100%, ya know? So it's all for the greater good. Yesterday and today have been great. I think the achiness is over and life is free to continue to be awesome.
Guess what? Last week I got asked to be an Arbitrator through FamilySearch for Indexing! (for those of you unfamiliar with what an arbitrator is, when you index, you submit the batch, then an arbitrator looks it over to make sure all the information is correct) They sent me an email that said something to the sort of "You've indexed such-and-such amount of records, we feel it's safe to say you know what you're doing! Follow this link to find out how to be an arbitrator! Well, I haven't done that yet, but I'm going to soon. Ha.

I'm doing well with indexing! I haven't stayed on my "every single day" kick, but I'm still doing a lot of it! We can all help the work somehow.

I met with Pres Lunt the other day and we talked about the time is soon upon us to discuss an end date for my mission. WHAT? It'll be in July, but the day we are not sure of yet. I'm planning on jumping back into temple stuff in a few weeks, when my immunity and energy level are a little better! Praise the day when it's here. But for now I'm having a good time. Getting better at the violin. Come over if you want to hear me play it I sound amazing. Kinda. :D

Have a great week!!!! Remember who you are and what you stand for. Ha.
Elder G

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

DONE WITH CHEMO!/Lotion feet

Guess what. Chemo is DONE. I had my last chemo treatment at the cancer center yesterday (we had to put off treatment last week), and with my clear scan, as long as things stay clear, I'm home free. Just check ups and scans!
I'm excited to get back to the temple sometime. I'm guessing it will be about a month from now, so I'll have time to recover and gain energy. Right now the plan is still to serve til July. I don't know an end date or anything but that will work itself out. And then I'll be headed to Utah State at the end of August for school. I registered for my classes last week. I'm excited to get going with life again, with my mission and school ya know?
OKAY you're gonna get a kick out of this story. Hahahaha. So on Sunday, we were watching a movie. I took a drink and a minute later wondered why I tasted lotion.... well, my mom put lotion on her feet, Cork (our chihuahua) likes to lock some of the lotion off, Cork tried to take a drink out of my cup and I stopped him,  but he did manage to get some of the lotion he licked onto the side of the cup, and that's how I tasted the lotion. The lotion went from my moms feet (which for the record aren't gross, but they're feet ya know!), to Corks mouth, to my cup, to my mouth!!!! So essentially I licked my own mother's feet. Hope you laughed. :)
I'm doing good overall. I'm super excited to move on past this cancer stuff. Have a great week!!!!!!
Elder G

Wednesday, April 1, 2015



Sorry I forgot to email last week. Time just got the best of me. BUT I've got some exciting news.

First of all, everything is working as planned to go up to Utah State this fall, and I couldn't be more excited.
Second, I had a CT scan last week. The results? Clear! So from what they can tell, no sign of cancer.
Third, I only have ONE chemo left, so now we just pray that the scans stay clear. :)
Fourth, guess what? My dad was called as a Bishop this last Sunday. So now, I'm a son-of-a-Bishop. Or BS- Bishop's Son. ;) Hahaha (did you really not expect a joke like that from me?)

I'm feeling great this week, just tired. I can't wait to be done with this crap chemo. Haha. But seriously. When Mom and I went to our Huntsman appointments last week, we had a chance to go to the Bountiful temple. I didn't have any big spiritual experience, but I distinctly remember the feeling of walking in the temple and thinking, "Wow, this feels like home." And really, what should the temple be??? More like, whose home should it feel like? Just that small thought increased my testimony that it is the Lord's house, it is the most peaceful place on earth, and that we are God's children. So go to the temple OFTEN! (And if you can't go inside, then go read your scriptures or write in your journal on the temple grounds!!)
My favorite scripture this week...Proverbs 3:5... "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding." What fears do I have based on the understandings of men? I am trying to rise above those fears and trust in the Lord. He's got my back! Everything will work out how it's supposed to work out.

Have a great week!
Elder G

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Side Effects/The Basics/Waiting

Well I didn't send out an email yesterday. But you should know that I'm doing well! I had chemo #3 this Monday. I had the hiccups SIX times yesterday, and I've also been napping a LOT yesterday and today, too. So I go from feeling like a pregnant woman a few weeks ago with the bloating and swollen feet, to now feeling like the newborn: All I do is eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, repeat. :) haha. Those are the side effects this week. It's like a game where I'll never be quite sure of the outcome: guessing what the side effect will be!
Cool story of the week: I went to the temple last Friday. (You know I'm taking time off my temple schedule again, right?) I planned to just do initiatories. The wait was going to be really long, and I felt the prompting to go do sealings instead. On my way out of the temple after, I ran into Sister Bithell (If you remember, I work with her in the Baptistry on Fridays, and her husband passed away a few months ago). She said that she was grabbing a snack from the cafeteria before, and so it was a pleasant surprise. :) She wasn't there on my most recent day serving in the baptistry, so it had been a while. She was teary eyed, and gave me a big long hug. It was definitely not a coincidence.
I can't say I'm doing too much. Trying to read my scriptures regularly, say prayers, attend church and go to the temple once a week. Those are the basics that we should strive to at LEAST do. :) I think I'm doing great if I am at least doing the basics. I've been through times where I haven't even done the basics, and I can tell a difference. So make sure you are at least praying and reading, okay? :)
I've learned a lot about waiting, too. There are lots of gospel articles I've read lately about waiting. Yes, it sucks waiting for the time to be healed, waiting for a mission call, waiting to get married... ya know. All that stuff. But Heavenly Father KNOWS me and knows exactly the best time for the waiting to be over. And I seriously think that the hardest times, during that waiting period, are when we grow the most spiritually. So waiting? It's okay. It's a part of life and we're all going to be okay. We don't have to do this on our own.
Have a great week. Love you all!
Elder G

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Logan is awesome.


If you see my Facebook, you probably hear double from that and from my emails lately. But you may or may not have heard; I went in to do my 3rd chemo yesterday, and after getting my blood drawn, the doctors decided to not do the chemo until next Monday- give me a week for my white blood cells to raise. I don't know how it relates or what, so if the technical numbers are off, forgive me.. but my doc said that normal is a 2, I was at 1.1 three weeks ago, and was a 0.9 yesterday. It's not like deathly low, and really I could've been okay to get chemo yesterday, but if I would've gotten sick or anything after getting chemo, it definitely would land me in the hospital. So it's a good/bad thing. I was really kind of upset because I had built myself up to get this, now I have to wait a week and still have two chemos left. It's been a long time where I've had bad news that I haven't expected in the slightest, you know? It was actually great timing, because last night we had Family Night and watched a Mormon Message and the end of it said, "You and I might cry out, 'No one understands. No one knows.' But the Son of God perfectly knows and understands. He can reach out, touch, and strengthen us." How powerful!

It's not all peachy, it's not always glorious and fine and easy, but I'm doing okay. Just dealing with the cards right now!

On a happier note, I went to Logan last week for a few days. I got to see some friends, went to the temple, went to a friends reception, and got ready for moving up there in August for school- met with my advisor, looked at an apartment, and ended up applying for an apartment. It was nice to get away for a few days, and I am seriously convinced that Logan was made for me. I have a friend who always talked about how incredible Logan is, and I thought she was just talking it up. She isn't. Logan is so social, the school is great, and it's just going to be a great place to be. BUT don't worry, that's still about 6 months away so I'm not longing for the future too much here. I'm enjoying (or at least trying to) where I'm at right now and just taking things a week at a time. The time will come when I won't be busy with cancer treatments! Life is good, and there's a reason for where I'm at right now. I hope you know the reason that you are where you're at right now. :)

Thanks for your prayers, well wishes, all that. You're all great.

Until next time,
Elder G
This is my chemo friend, Jody! She's so great!!

I love to see the temple!  Logan Utah Temple.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Okay this is cool.

Hey all!

I'll get to the cool part in a minute. Not that the rest of this email won't be cool. I mean, come on... It's me we're talking about. (Just kidding, I promise I'm super humble.)

This last week has been a much better week. I have felt pretty much normal, with the exception of just feeling fatigued. It's like my body is getting toxic treatment or something, haha. My White Blood Cell level has dropped, as expected, but it's not at a concerning level. This in turn means that I have to be careful about being out in public. I really, really don't want to get sick. All in all, though, I'm feeling fine. People tell me I look great. But come on, it's me we're talking about. (Kidding.) I've had a couple people ask me about the shaved head. Then when I tell them it's because of chemo, they are surprised because I "sure don't look like someone going through chemo." Boo yah.

I'm taking time off from serving again; I think I might have mentioned that in my last email though. The temple is closed for maintenance from 3/23-4/4, with the baptistry closed for an additional two weeks. My third dose of chemo is next Monday, and my last will be on the 30th. So maybe by the time the baptistry opens back up, I'll be geared up to go 5 days a week again?? We'll see.

This whole turning-into-a-social-recluse thing is killing me. Those of you who know me pretty well know that I AM A SOCIAL PERSON. I consider wherever I am to be the party, in the most humble way. It's been a whole new challenge to not be out so much. Yes, I'm staying busy and not losing my mind, but I would much rather be out doing something, you know? I wrote a blog post once about this... but I am definitely a firm believer that our trials are not random and they are tailored to us. We are tested on things that really challenge us, and those challenges are different for every single person. Our reaction will really bring out, define, or sometimes even change our true character. Will I still stay true to the gospel despite that I'm a missionary who can't go to the temple like "normal", going through chemo, stuck at home, and can't be social? We'll see; I sure hope so!

Okay. NOW we're to the super cool part. You know that my Stake President is my mission president and that I meet with him on a regular basis. Well, this last Sunday we had Stake Conference, and we got a new Stake Presidency. Guess who my new Stake President is? MY BISHOP! How cool is that? I have met with my Bishop pretty regularly throughout my mission, and now he's been "promoted" (for lack of a better word) to my mission president. I don't know who my new bishop we'll be, but we'll see. Out of all the people that could have been called.... how cool, right? I know that my mission and my case is a little different, so now my new mission president knows exactly how and where things are with me. Cool. (And maybe I thought that was a lot cooler than you did.)

Anyway. That's all. I hope you enjoyed the last hour reading this email. Haha. Have a great week everyone!
Elder G

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Well, last week was weird. And it's over. :)

I had my latest chemo last Tuesday. I've made a friend that gets chemo every 3 weeks like I do. She's from Beaver, she's super awesome. Her name is Jodi. She's one of those ladies that always brings food. I got lemon-heads last week haha. I expected the week to go fairly smooth, since the first week after chemo #1 did. But this week, I felt bloated and had swollen legs, super exhausted. Ya know, just compare me to whoever you know might be pregnant right now. Hahaha.

I'm feeling much better this week. I definitely feel the lack of energy, but I'm doing well. My white-blood-cell count is down, which is expected, but that means I need to be careful that I'm not around anyone sick or that I try to do too much. Yeah, big challenge for me. I consider myself a hugely social person, so this social recluse-ness is definitely testing me. Along with that, I won't be serving at the temple this Friday. Bummer, but especially with the numbers that come into the baptistry, that puts me in close proximity with a lot of people. It sucks. But Heavenly Father knows what He's doing. I just got to sit back and really let him take charge.

I've also been going a little crazy. Already. I had a chat with my mom last night, and realized that I need to set some goals for myself. I haven't been doing too great with some things, like scripture reading for example, so I need to pick it up. I'm setting goals like finishing D&C in two weeks, reading more, learning the violin (which, cool story, the family of a girl I went to HS with is letting me borrow a violin for free.), learning more on the piano; you know, stuff like that. I've realized that I've kind of been coasting lately, and I'm not going to become any better by just coasting. Even though I can't physically do certain things, I need to do something. So here we go.

Did I tell you my plans for after the mish? I'm getting ready to go to UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY! Woot woot! I applied, got accepted, and am planning a trip soon to meet with my advisor, possibly start apartment hunting, and all that good stuff. That is one great thing about all this time off from the temple; I get to prepare for my fall plans. I'm wanting to go into Speech Therapy, and USU's got a really good program for that. I'm excited for the next step (but all in good time).

In other news, I had a crazy dream last night. I don't remember most of it, but it had a shocking twist at the end. Maybe I should dig subconsciously and write a book out of it. That's all for this week.

Elder G

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Good/bad Week


This week has both been bad and good. Monday of last week, my hair started falling out. And that was kind of hard to deal with. Check out my blog for more on that.

After that hard part of the week, I saw so many instances in which I see I've been blessed. It's like for how hard the first part of the week was, the rest of the week was the exact opposite. I had such a good experience at the temple; I got to go through a session with my friend Connor, and had a good experience at the baptistry. It was so busy this weekend!

There are so many things you can learn from the temple. I read, well skimmed, through a book that a couple who used to be a temple president and matron of the Salt Lake Temple wrote. In that book, they gave one example: Heavenly Father loves us each individually. In doing baptisms, it would really be much more efficient to name 50 or even 100 names, and then be immersed for those people, but no, each person for whom we are being baptized for is baptized individually. That is true of all the ordinances of the temple! Each ordinance is done separately. How cool is that? It really shows that we are all unique and loved individually to our Heavenly Father; he loves each and EVERY one of us!

I met with Stake President this Sunday, and he is such a great man! This is my last interview with him; it's no secret that he's getting released this coming Stake Conference in two weeks. So I'll be serving under two mission presidents. He said something really cool... he has loved being a Stake Pres and working with all the YSAs, and he has really improved his relationship with the Savior from serving. He's a great example!

I still have a hard time sometimes, it's hard to be a missionary and only serve once a week, not work, do this chemo; ya know. A mission is the hardest thing I've ever done, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm still learning every day in aspects that will help me through the rest of my life and through the eternities. This life really is the time to prepare to meet God.

Well, that's all for this week.
Elder G

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Interesting Week

Hello all!
What an interesting week it's been. First of all, I've still felt great. I have felt pretty much normal. Starting yesterday, though, my hair started falling out. So guess that means the chemo is working. (Just a cool little medical note, cause I think it's kind of interesting- if you pull out a piece of your hair right now, you'll notice that the follicle is white. When u pull mine out the follicle is black. So yeah the chemo is killing the fast growing cells... cancer cells, hair cells, and some blood cells. That's a shortened version of how chemo works.) We shaved my head this morning, and I just decided I'm going to start telling people that I need to start looking the part of a temple worker ;) hahaha.

I am a Gospel Doctrine teacher in my ward. I used to really despise teaching, I would much rather just give a talk, but I am really loving it. So hopefully I won't be released from being a teacher now. It's been so so cool to see how I recognize the Spirit more in my life, especially as I teach, and see how the Spirit really is the master teacher. Ether 12:27, your witnesses will become strengths. The gospel is amazing.

Not much else is going on: I'm still doing the temple once a week, I'm still doing indexing and family history. I'm learning more and more to try and find joy in the journey. It's a challenge; being a missionary and everything that comes with it, but going to the temple only once a week and doing chemo... I can honestly agree with those that say that the mission is the hardest [year] of my life. Hard, but SO WORTH IT. I've learned so much.
Have a great week!!

Elder G

Monday, February 2, 2015

Good Week

This last week has been great. I felt sick Monday night and Wednesday night, and a little bit on Sunday, but overall have felt great. From what the doctor said, the first week is the worst. I'm surprising myself with how good I've been feeling. This is going to be a breeze. I've been trying to stay busy and at least have something going on, and I think I'm doing good. I've been doing lots of reading, indexing and watching tv. :/ I'm not going to lose my mind and I assure you, life is good!
I have been thinking, I've been praying for missionary experiences, but haven't seen any as in sharing the gospel in person. I think my biggest impact as a missionary has been online, like my blog, and through Family History. I've been blessed with a number of experiences in that aspect.
I didn't go to the temple last week, but I'm going to go on Friday! Woo!! Life is good.
Have a great week.
Elder G

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chemo and indexing

I started chemo yesterday. I feel like it went well, I was able to have food from the hospital cafeteria, and life is swell. Well, as swell as chemo can get. :) I felt a little sick last night, but today haven't felt too bad.
I started something last week, I decided to index every single day. It's been a goal I've been able to stay true to so far. I didn't really get how indexing helped in the grand scheme of things until I started to go through my FamilySearch. When you index something, say a marriage record or an obituary, you can attach that to a person on FamilySearch. I found a family last week that had only a father, mother, and two kids on the record. There was a record suggestion in the mother's file of a census, and on that census there were three more children that were not on FamilySearch. SO based on that, I found three children! I'm not saying this to brag, but it just shows how useful indexing really is. So if you're not ready to jump into your family tree yet, at least do some indexing. When you are able to find family names and people who have not had their ordinance work done yet, it makes each temple trip that much more special! :)
One of my good friends, Connor, just got home last week! I didn't think that I'd be in Cedar for both my friends leaving AND coming home, but it is so awesome. Missions are amazing- NO MATTER WHERE YOU SERVE! I'm so glad I get to serve my mission, even if it's just once a week right now. Once again, I'm learning patience. Hope you all have a great week!!!
Elder G

Monday, January 5, 2015

4 weeks later...


It's a good thing I'm a service missionary, because if I had been in a different country and not emailed for 4 weeks my mom would probably chop off my head. :) So let me tell you pretty much how the last 4 weeks went down. I'd get past my p-day, Tuesday, and forget to send out my email. Then Friday would come around and I figured I'd just wait til the next week. Repeat. And now I'm jumping the gun... happy Monday!

Guess what?? My birthday is on Wednesday. Big bad 21. :) :) :)

This Christmas break has been really great. Guess what Chris and Allie (my brother and sister-in-law) got this year? A baby. Haha! My niece Renae is doing so good, and especially for being 6 weeks early! I loved Christmas this year, and this year I really focused on paying more attention to Christ and his life and how it relates to Christmas, more than just his birth. It made Christmas that much more AWESOME. I'm so grateful for our Savior. How blessed are we??

Health update: I finished my 6 weeks of treatment. BOO FREAKING YAH!!!! So happy that it's over. Radiation wasn't near as bad at all this time. Chemo was the B. The last week I pretty much felt like crap the whole week. But it's gotten so much better and the only thing I really feel now is tired. :) We are meeting with the doctors in Cedar on the 19th and will talk about more chemo. It's not a yes, but not a no. "We'll see" is all I can tell you right now.

MISSION UPDATE: when I met with Pres Crankshaw last month, he said I could start going back to the temple as soon as I felt good enough to, but start slow. I still need to talk to Present Arnold, like TOMORROW, but I'm hoping to go on Friday of this week, and just go once a week for a little bit and work back into it. The 19th will kind of tell me how things will go as far as my mission too. I'm so glad I can serve a mission where I'm able to play it by ear and it's easy to work around my health.

A lady I work with in the cafeteria sent me a really neat Christmas present. She drew it herself and captioned it "Gray Matters". It is a picture of the Savior Jesus Christ. The best part about it is that it's so true. We all matter to Christ. Every single one of us. And he loves us all SO much! Don't forget it. :)

Anyway, have a great week. Thanks for all your love and prayers!

Elder G