Tuesday, June 30, 2015

ATTEND the temple

Image result for cancerWell hey there family, friends.

I forgot to email last week, but for a good reason! I made a trip up and back in the same day to the Huntsman up in Salt Lake City. I drove up by myself, but Chris and Allie and Renae came down from Brigham City and went to the appointment and dinner after with me! The news is that the scan is clear! I'm excited about it, and I love the word Remission! There have been so many times in the past that I feel like I've said, "Hey, clean scan!" and then the results don't stay that way... but I'm hoping and praying that I'm done with this cancer.

There is a young woman in my home ward who passed away last week after fighting for a year with brain cancer. She is strong, she exemplified what a true hero is, and she's a light to all of us. We attended her funeral yesterday, and it kind of hit close to home for me, because I've dealt with cancer, too. Truthfully, the difference between her and I is that Heavenly Father has things he needs me to accomplish here on the earth, and things she needs to accomplish on the other side. My heart breaks because, yeah she is so young (16), but I'm so so so grateful for the Plan of Salvation and this life isn't it. Her services yesterday were amazing. Her family and friends testified of her life and of the gospel and their joy that they can and will see her again. Family is priority. Don't get distracted and put other things before your family! (Mike, we love your family!!!)

Well, in mission news, I met with Pres Lunt on Sunday. I've got THREE WEEKS LEFT. Isn't that crazy? I'll be done with my mission on the 18th, and give my Mission Report in church on the 19th. So mark your calendars. :) I can't believe it's already been a year. I would serve in the temple forever if I could, and I'm not trying to be "trunky", but I am excited to move on to bigger and better things- aka marriage. Don't know when, but that's the next step!

I have learned so much from life as I've attended the temple so frequently. *********And something I'd like to point out- I feel like I have received SO much inspiration and guidance and insight on the temple and life in the last year, and it's not because of my mission, per se. I don't get to do anything extra than anyone else can do. You are more than welcome to work in the baptistry or cafeteria. The things I learned and noticed happened from just ATTENDING the temple. From going and learning and trying to be like my Savior, I've been spiritually fed. Actually, more like stuffed. Does that make sense? You can learn so much from the temple from just attending. You don't need to be a temple worker to learn a ton. (Although if you have the chance to work in the temple, you should do it.)

Mom is doing good. She comes home tomorrow. She's feeling pain as expected, but nothing worse. She is a trooper! Knees are not fun, and once we get past this first little bit, she is going to be a happy camper-- or the happiest camper.

I love life and I'm so grateful for my mission and the opportunity that it's given me. When the time came to start thinking about this mission, I thought that I wasn't sure if I should- I couldn't go out on a full-time mission so should I just move on with life, and continue with school and stuff? BUT I AM SO GLAD I CHOSE TO SERVE. This mission has been such a great insight and time for me in my life. Don't pass up any opportunity you have to serve- even if it's just spending a few hours with the missionaries or going with a group to do baptisms for the dead.

Have a great week. I seriously love you all!
Elder G

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Mission Paperwork


This week (or past two weeks, since I didn't email last week) has been a good one. I know I say this in every email, but it's so good to be back at the temple!!! I did some calculating, it's been 47 weeks since I started my service at the temple, I have served for 15 of those weeks.... plus three Fridays in January. Crazy, huh? Heavenly Father has His reasons. If I get released as a service missionary when I'm thinking, I have five weeks left. CRAZY, right?? I'll probably know my official date when I meet with Pres Lunt on the 28th of this month.

I jumped up to four days a week last week. I go down there Wed-Sat. It's honestly exhausting, but worth it (and no, I'm NOT pushing myself too much, thanks for asking), and I'm just trying to get enough sleep to stay caught up. The newest update is that on Saturdays, I don't do Sealings from 9-11am and Cafeteria from 12-4pm. I was switched around, and now work in the Cafeteria from 7am-12pm and do sealings after. Yeah. Last Saturday I got up at 5:15 and left Cedar at 6am! :D Crazy, but great.

Okay, so I have a funny story. Hope you laugh, cause I did! Pres Lunt came up to me on Sunday and said, "Sorry to push your appt back from today. I talked with the area coordinators and they can't find your paperwork to get your mission release certificate." And he asked me if I had filled out a Church-Service Mission Recommendation, and I said that if I had, Pres Crankshaw did it. So I asked if I need to fill one out, and Pres Lunt said yeah, so the other day I started filling out my paperwork for the mission I'm almost done with- the paperwork that I submit my mission picture with! Haha. 11 months later....

I started running again! I told you that last email, too. I'm up to three miles a day. The first week I went one, last week two, and now this week three. It's been so great to get back in to running again, I've really really missed it. It's extremely difficult, it's like my body has been through the ringer or something. Weird. I had a though today while I was running... I LOVE running, but sometimes I have second thoughts as I'm about to start, I think "Oh, I'll just do it tomorrow." And really, the hardest part of running is somethings just starting. Once I get going, and especially if I have a good attitude about it, I am able to think about my life, spend some time immersed in something, and in the end, feel really happy that I took the time to run and made the effort, because physically, I'm better off. I compared all these feelings to being proactive in the gospel, mainly scripture study. I love studying the scriptures, but lately it's been a little harder to sit down and actually do it. It was a really cool lesson that I needed to learn today!

The house has been a little more "alive" than usual lately. My sister Brooke and brother-in-law Tim and their boys moved in with us a few weeks ago. Their house sold, and they are building their new house, so they're in between right now. It's fun to have them here. And also, my brother Chris and sister-in-law Allie came to visit for a few days and stayed here. So we went from 4 here, to 8, to 11. Haha, but those of you that know me well, know that I love it! I love being with people. I'm more tired, but it's so great! I'm even spending more time outside, too, which I think we all need.

My mom got her knees replaced today! It's a surgery she hasn't been too excited for, but it's time. She did well and is currently in a recovery room. She's awesome, and an amazing example to me. I'm kind of excited to pay it back to her in all the times she's helped me in my surgery recoveries. It's a great time for it, too, because with Brooke and Tim here, there are more people that live here to help her. Talk about good timing, right?

Sorry this email is so long, I'll make sure and not skip any more weeks so that it won't be as long next time. Every single one of you are an amazing example to me. I mean it!!! Have a good one.

Elder G

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Cool Miracle & Journaling

Hello all!

Cool miracle this week. I went to the temple last Tuesday (a week ago) with some friends. My missing-fibula ankle as really bugging me, which doesn't happen too often. I wore an ankle brace for the first part of that day. Partway through the temple session, it went away. Coincidence? I think not. In fact, I work with a Sister Abelhousen in the Baptistry. She said she has Rheumatoid Arthritis, but it goes away every time she walks into the temple. BLESSINGS, PEOPLE!!!

I'm still learning lots and loving my mission. I'm going to have a hard time leaving all my temple family when I'm done. If my calculations are correct, I only have seven weeks left. :0
Saturday was a challenging day for me. It's kind of an interesting concept that not every day at the temple will be perfect. But that is on my end, not the Lord's. I've come to learn, though, that I need to prepare for the temple more, especially by getting enough sleep the night before.

Image result for journalMy mission is really teaching me the importance of journal writing. The weeks where I wrote in it everyday has made this email much easier. But lately I've been sucking at catching up in my journal. It's hard! I've found it kind of challenging lately, and feel like it's my current battle, to set aside time to write in my journal, or to read my scriptures (I'm reading, but I am studying the Book of Mormon right now in a way that takes just a little more effort and use of highlighting. Ask me about it sometime!). Seems like an interesting battle considering how much free time I feel like I have. But I'm trying. I have to ask myself, How willing am I to truly put the Lord first?

If you've read this far, here's one more thing. You'll be happy to hear that I started RUNNING again. I went on a 2-mile run (but that's nothing!) Once in January, but other than that, it's been at least since October! Whew! I ran 1.5 miles on Monday and 1 mile yesterday, so obviously we're taking things really slow. When I went on Monday, I started and thought, "Man, this feels great!" But that feeling literally lasted for only one-tenth of a mile. Bahaha!

Have a GREAT rest of the week. Listen for me on the radio cause in pretty sure I'm going to find the Summit Rock in St George!! ;)

Elder G