Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Another Week -> Another Email

Well, it's Wednesday. Day late on the email. Whoops. Just be grateful I'm sending emails at all. ;) Haha. Only one left after this one!!! :(

Yesterday, I actually had a really busy day. I watched nephews, helped Ash and Hayden move, and went down to St George to the temple, and to see a friend come home! He flew in at 11 pm, and there were about 8 of us friends there (plus his family, of course).

So this week...
-Wednesday, I only spent an hour in the cafeteria, then went to help Mom at her appointments and bring her home. I was only in the temple for an hour, but it was amazing. In that hour, we had prayer meeting, and I talked to Joyce- my temple grandma, but I felt so rejuvenated from just that hour, and I didn't even do any ordinance work. How cool, right? Amazing what an hour in the temple can do.
-Thursday, I got to be the baptizer for all four hours. Talk about a workout. :D
-Friday was actually a super crazy awesome day. So many things happened that showed me that the Lord is involved in my life, mostly little things. *********One of the most important things my mission has done for me is teaching me to recognize the Lord's hand in my life. A couple from my ward was in the endowment session I was in, I got to sit around and enjoy a lot of waiting time in the time between the endowment session and going to the baptistry (which is actually really good in the temple, I promise), met the Temple President's twin brother (who is in "The District", apparently), ran into Dr Donaldson, and met a guy who recognized me from working at Dairy Queen at least three years ago and from Mom's knee rehab place.
-Saturday... the temple was closed. Don't expect to ever hear this again, but I was kind of excited. My weeks have been kicking my butt and it was nice to sleep in a few hours. The 4th of July was great. Ether 2:12.
-Sunday- I taught Justin's Sunday School class in the home ward. I was a little nervous, but I really enjoyed it. These youth, man. They are incredible. It was definitely the most interactive lesson (more like discussion) that I've ever taught. TRY to have a really sincere Fast, it will change you!!!!
-Monday- Relaxed, somewhat. Ran 4 miles. Hot dang.

I've really learned, especially this last week, the importance of reading the Book of Mormon EVERY DAY! I've heard leaders talk about that, but it really is true. I find myself more vulnerable to temptation, and I usually have the biggest temptations when I've missed a few days on reading out of the Book of Mormon (even if I've read a conference talk or something). So learn from my experiences and READ EVERY DAY! It's important. It will change your life.

That's all for this email. I can't believe that I'm in the middle of my second-to-last week. I totally get how some missionaries say that they never want to come home. ;) I would serve forever if I could. If you made it reading this far, I'm giving you a high-five.

Have a GREAT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder G