Friday, August 22, 2014

Spiritually Exhausted, a good thing!

August 19, 2014

Hey family.

As every week goes on, I love my mission more and more! It's so great to be at the temple. I don't think I'll ever be able to say that too much. I'm still trying to get the hang of emailing. With a mission in the temple, I can't necessarily say in an email some of the neat things I've had. And, my schedule is the same every week. So, here we go, I guess!

I met with President Crankshaw (stake pres) last week- my "mission president". He and I had a good chat. He gave me a really interesting challenge, too. He told me to have at least one opportunity a week to open my mouth and share the gospel. And in his words, "Be bold about it, too. You could say to a friend, 'Do you want to come to church with me this Sunday?' or 'Do you know your sins can be forgiven through Jesus Christ?' And it could be anyone. Like I said, be bold. The cashier at Wal-Mart. Anyone." When he told me that, I was really excited. It's a good challenge for me, for my personality, haha. (And also, with serving at the temple, where I'm around "the best of the best" so to speak, I wondered how much I'd have the opportunity to share the gospel).

Last Saturday, I was just on Facebook for a few minutes. A Saudi Arabian friend I knew from the last school year talked to me, we chatted for about 15 minutes. At the end of the chat, I invited him, if he ever wanted, to join me at church to see what we worship. I don't know how it'll turn out, but I at least opened my mouth.

So I had a tiny little test of faith last week, too. On Thursday in the baptistry, I was the one in the font, the baptizer. A couple was waiting for some patrons to come in so that they could get their names completed. No guys came in for quite a while, so the husband decided to just get in a jumpsuit and I'd baptize him. Well, he had rotator cuff surgery about 2 months ago. So I was worried about how it would go. He came in, and I hardly used my left hand to bring him back up, and pushed him up on his back with my right hand. I was scared, but it all worked out. What happens in the temple is the Lord's work. And it will work out to get that work completed. He walked out of the font feeling great and just fine. :)

I didn't think I'd even feel tired from this mission. But now I know exactly what people are talking about when they say that missionaries just go to bed exhausted. Being in the temple this much every week is spiritually exhausting. But SO worth it. Thanks for all your love. I'll see ya around, I guess? Haha.

Elder Gray

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