Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chemo and indexing

I started chemo yesterday. I feel like it went well, I was able to have food from the hospital cafeteria, and life is swell. Well, as swell as chemo can get. :) I felt a little sick last night, but today haven't felt too bad.
I started something last week, I decided to index every single day. It's been a goal I've been able to stay true to so far. I didn't really get how indexing helped in the grand scheme of things until I started to go through my FamilySearch. When you index something, say a marriage record or an obituary, you can attach that to a person on FamilySearch. I found a family last week that had only a father, mother, and two kids on the record. There was a record suggestion in the mother's file of a census, and on that census there were three more children that were not on FamilySearch. SO based on that, I found three children! I'm not saying this to brag, but it just shows how useful indexing really is. So if you're not ready to jump into your family tree yet, at least do some indexing. When you are able to find family names and people who have not had their ordinance work done yet, it makes each temple trip that much more special! :)
One of my good friends, Connor, just got home last week! I didn't think that I'd be in Cedar for both my friends leaving AND coming home, but it is so awesome. Missions are amazing- NO MATTER WHERE YOU SERVE! I'm so glad I get to serve my mission, even if it's just once a week right now. Once again, I'm learning patience. Hope you all have a great week!!!
Elder G

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