Monday, February 2, 2015

Good Week

This last week has been great. I felt sick Monday night and Wednesday night, and a little bit on Sunday, but overall have felt great. From what the doctor said, the first week is the worst. I'm surprising myself with how good I've been feeling. This is going to be a breeze. I've been trying to stay busy and at least have something going on, and I think I'm doing good. I've been doing lots of reading, indexing and watching tv. :/ I'm not going to lose my mind and I assure you, life is good!
I have been thinking, I've been praying for missionary experiences, but haven't seen any as in sharing the gospel in person. I think my biggest impact as a missionary has been online, like my blog, and through Family History. I've been blessed with a number of experiences in that aspect.
I didn't go to the temple last week, but I'm going to go on Friday! Woo!! Life is good.
Have a great week.
Elder G

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