Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Good/bad Week


This week has both been bad and good. Monday of last week, my hair started falling out. And that was kind of hard to deal with. Check out my blog for more on that.

After that hard part of the week, I saw so many instances in which I see I've been blessed. It's like for how hard the first part of the week was, the rest of the week was the exact opposite. I had such a good experience at the temple; I got to go through a session with my friend Connor, and had a good experience at the baptistry. It was so busy this weekend!

There are so many things you can learn from the temple. I read, well skimmed, through a book that a couple who used to be a temple president and matron of the Salt Lake Temple wrote. In that book, they gave one example: Heavenly Father loves us each individually. In doing baptisms, it would really be much more efficient to name 50 or even 100 names, and then be immersed for those people, but no, each person for whom we are being baptized for is baptized individually. That is true of all the ordinances of the temple! Each ordinance is done separately. How cool is that? It really shows that we are all unique and loved individually to our Heavenly Father; he loves each and EVERY one of us!

I met with Stake President this Sunday, and he is such a great man! This is my last interview with him; it's no secret that he's getting released this coming Stake Conference in two weeks. So I'll be serving under two mission presidents. He said something really cool... he has loved being a Stake Pres and working with all the YSAs, and he has really improved his relationship with the Savior from serving. He's a great example!

I still have a hard time sometimes, it's hard to be a missionary and only serve once a week, not work, do this chemo; ya know. A mission is the hardest thing I've ever done, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm still learning every day in aspects that will help me through the rest of my life and through the eternities. This life really is the time to prepare to meet God.

Well, that's all for this week.
Elder G

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