Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Well, last week was weird. And it's over. :)

I had my latest chemo last Tuesday. I've made a friend that gets chemo every 3 weeks like I do. She's from Beaver, she's super awesome. Her name is Jodi. She's one of those ladies that always brings food. I got lemon-heads last week haha. I expected the week to go fairly smooth, since the first week after chemo #1 did. But this week, I felt bloated and had swollen legs, super exhausted. Ya know, just compare me to whoever you know might be pregnant right now. Hahaha.

I'm feeling much better this week. I definitely feel the lack of energy, but I'm doing well. My white-blood-cell count is down, which is expected, but that means I need to be careful that I'm not around anyone sick or that I try to do too much. Yeah, big challenge for me. I consider myself a hugely social person, so this social recluse-ness is definitely testing me. Along with that, I won't be serving at the temple this Friday. Bummer, but especially with the numbers that come into the baptistry, that puts me in close proximity with a lot of people. It sucks. But Heavenly Father knows what He's doing. I just got to sit back and really let him take charge.

I've also been going a little crazy. Already. I had a chat with my mom last night, and realized that I need to set some goals for myself. I haven't been doing too great with some things, like scripture reading for example, so I need to pick it up. I'm setting goals like finishing D&C in two weeks, reading more, learning the violin (which, cool story, the family of a girl I went to HS with is letting me borrow a violin for free.), learning more on the piano; you know, stuff like that. I've realized that I've kind of been coasting lately, and I'm not going to become any better by just coasting. Even though I can't physically do certain things, I need to do something. So here we go.

Did I tell you my plans for after the mish? I'm getting ready to go to UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY! Woot woot! I applied, got accepted, and am planning a trip soon to meet with my advisor, possibly start apartment hunting, and all that good stuff. That is one great thing about all this time off from the temple; I get to prepare for my fall plans. I'm wanting to go into Speech Therapy, and USU's got a really good program for that. I'm excited for the next step (but all in good time).

In other news, I had a crazy dream last night. I don't remember most of it, but it had a shocking twist at the end. Maybe I should dig subconsciously and write a book out of it. That's all for this week.

Elder G

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