Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Another Week

Okay. Let's get the big stuff out of the way first. For those who dont know, I found out just over a week or two ago that from my surgery, the cancer wasn't all removed (After all the research and pathology was done). So we are looking at radiation now. We're still meeting and figuring things out, but I will be getting radiation. It's all localized in my neck, thank goodness. It's never spread beyond that. I don't know what this means for my mission, but I guess I'll find out soon enough. The right person upstairs is in charge so I need not worry. At the docs yesterday in SLC, I felt really good and definitely feel that radiation is the best thing for me.

Mission stuff. Like I always say I seriously LOVE my mission. I'm starting to remember almost word for word some of the ordinances. 
The 3 questions I get asked most often are:
What do you do for your mission at the temple?
Do your really drive from Cedar and back EVERY day?
Oh, you're from Cedar? What's the update with the new temple?

This last week has been a lot of good, and also some bad. A brother I worked with on Friday afternoons in the Baptistry passed away last Monday. His funeral was on Saturday, luckily I was able to adjust my schedule enough that I could attend it. I had no idea he had passed until I got to the baptistry Friday. His wife was there, too. I went in to give her a hug, and she said, "I'm here to make sure you're alright." Which maybe is what she needed to say as far as coping, but also, she's so great. She is such a great example of selflessness to me. She stayed for our prayer meeting and said just a few words. And her testimony. She's great. And strong!

I also found out that my cousin from Idaho got her mission call.... to the ST GEORGE VISITORS CENTER. We're gonna be mission neighbors. How cool huh??

I met with Pres Crankshaw last week as well. We talked about stuff I've been learning, and about my health. I don't know what's gonna happen in the future, but I know I'm in the right hands.

Elder Gray

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