Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Almost Back to Normal

Hey there!

So it's been a good week. REALLY busy though it feels like. I have this habit of going to bed after midnight, and my body likes to wake me up at about 8, so if I want good sleep I have to learn to get to bed earlier. But really- story of my life.

Last week, I went to the temple THREE days in a row. IT WAS AWESOME! Haha (but it would be much easier if the Cedar temple was done right now) I went and did Baptisms with a few friends on Wednesday, a session both Thursday and Friday, and some sealings as well. My single friends out there... don't think that you can't do sealings if you're not married. Sealings are seriously the coolest and everyone should do them. I'm totally serious.

So medically- I'm doing good! I still like to think that I can be more active than my body will let me. Last week was probably an 80% of how I normally would be, but it was exhausting. The good news is that at my doctors appointment yesterday, my blood levels are normal! Not post-chemo normal... normal person normal! Except I'm a little anemic. I'm excited for what life is turning out to be. Two months left as a missionary.... WHAT!?!??!

As of right now, I'm just doing Netflix, indexing, scholarship hunting, and preparing for school next semester. Ha life is a party over here.

AND I'LL BE GOING BACK TO THE TEMPLE REAL SOON. 2 or so weeks soon. Stay tuned. 

Hope you all are doing well. :D Have a good one.
Elder G

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