Tuesday, April 21, 2015



Well. What a week it's been. I'm so happy I'm DONE with chemo. They gave me a shot on Tuesday, the day after my treatment, to help boost my White Blood Cells. They said that I'd feel achy the whole week (because WBCs come from your bone marrow, and my joints would all kinda hurt). They were right. It was pretty much the worst week thus far. Nausea was may a 3 out of 10, but achiness and fatigue did me in, I was on the couch for probably all of Wed, Thurs and Fri! But life is good and that's all over now. I assume that despite sucky week one, I'd bounce back to my 100%, ya know? So it's all for the greater good. Yesterday and today have been great. I think the achiness is over and life is free to continue to be awesome.
Guess what? Last week I got asked to be an Arbitrator through FamilySearch for Indexing! (for those of you unfamiliar with what an arbitrator is, when you index, you submit the batch, then an arbitrator looks it over to make sure all the information is correct) They sent me an email that said something to the sort of "You've indexed such-and-such amount of records, we feel it's safe to say you know what you're doing! Follow this link to find out how to be an arbitrator! Well, I haven't done that yet, but I'm going to soon. Ha.

I'm doing well with indexing! I haven't stayed on my "every single day" kick, but I'm still doing a lot of it! We can all help the work somehow.

I met with Pres Lunt the other day and we talked about the time is soon upon us to discuss an end date for my mission. WHAT? It'll be in July, but the day we are not sure of yet. I'm planning on jumping back into temple stuff in a few weeks, when my immunity and energy level are a little better! Praise the day when it's here. But for now I'm having a good time. Getting better at the violin. Come over if you want to hear me play it I sound amazing. Kinda. :D

Have a great week!!!! Remember who you are and what you stand for. Ha.
Elder G

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