Wednesday, April 1, 2015



Sorry I forgot to email last week. Time just got the best of me. BUT I've got some exciting news.

First of all, everything is working as planned to go up to Utah State this fall, and I couldn't be more excited.
Second, I had a CT scan last week. The results? Clear! So from what they can tell, no sign of cancer.
Third, I only have ONE chemo left, so now we just pray that the scans stay clear. :)
Fourth, guess what? My dad was called as a Bishop this last Sunday. So now, I'm a son-of-a-Bishop. Or BS- Bishop's Son. ;) Hahaha (did you really not expect a joke like that from me?)

I'm feeling great this week, just tired. I can't wait to be done with this crap chemo. Haha. But seriously. When Mom and I went to our Huntsman appointments last week, we had a chance to go to the Bountiful temple. I didn't have any big spiritual experience, but I distinctly remember the feeling of walking in the temple and thinking, "Wow, this feels like home." And really, what should the temple be??? More like, whose home should it feel like? Just that small thought increased my testimony that it is the Lord's house, it is the most peaceful place on earth, and that we are God's children. So go to the temple OFTEN! (And if you can't go inside, then go read your scriptures or write in your journal on the temple grounds!!)
My favorite scripture this week...Proverbs 3:5... "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding." What fears do I have based on the understandings of men? I am trying to rise above those fears and trust in the Lord. He's got my back! Everything will work out how it's supposed to work out.

Have a great week!
Elder G

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